
An Overview on Reprocessed Endoscopy Equipment

The endoscope is considered to be one of the most powerful medical tools in modern medicine. Its value isn’t limited to being an instrument to diagnose diseases but it is also a device used in vital treatment modalities. The endoscope enters various body cavities and it is exposed to high levels of contamination with the consideration that all patients are potential sources of infection. The high demand for endoscopy services brought about the inclination of hospitals and startup surgical centers towards purchasing reprocessed medical power tools. Reprocessing is not as simple as it sounds. Infection control guidelines should be followed so as not to compromise the health and safety of the patients.

The Intricate Processes

There are six steps in endoscope reprocessing, namely cleaning, rinsing, disinfection, final rinsing, drying, and storage. Basically, it’s comprised by manual cleaning which involves brushing of all external components with a detergent and automatic disinfection, rinsing, and drying which concern all the surfaces exposed. Each step in reprocessing should be done meticulously with the right duration of immersing in disinfectants, proper manipulation of the components, and observation of the manufacturer’s guidelines. This medical power tool is a critical device and high level disinfection is an irrevocable standard when it comes to its reprocessing.

Importance of Quality Assurance

Buying reprocessed medical power tools is a very cost-effective strategy for hospitals and surgical centers. However, the key is to purchase from dependable medical dealers to ensure that reprocessing was done correctly. If not, you’ll only be wasting money. Your endoscopes would frequently malfunction or they won’t last that long. Failure to comply with the guidelines don’t only cause you hassles but it can compromise the health of the patients. Misdiagnosis may happen or pathogens may be transmitted from a sick patient to a well one. In the medical field, safety should not be taken in exchange of being economical. Using reprocessed endoscope equipment is acceptable as long as they are purchased from a trusted medical dealer.

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