
Strategies for Getting Used Gear

When a healthcare practice that mostly handles, say, diagnostics and outpatient treatment is upgrading its services to include surgical procedures, much thought will have gone to preparing the resources needed for that shift. In some cases though, the finite nature of procurement funding will lead center management and supply personnel to go for used medical equipment stocks wherever possible. Some issues about specs, however, must be reconciled first before the shopping begins.

Before going out for used surgical gear, some medical experts recommend reevaluating the kinds of surgery your practice is expected to perform. Many doctors will agree that the tools needed for a heart surgery, for example, will differ from what is required for a brain surgery op. Only when the consensus has been reached on what surgery procedures can be performed will the equipment research take place, from specifications to pricing. Take note of the specializations of the people you will need for operating them.

If a used medical equipment supplier has come back to you with your specifications, take time to visit the seller to assess the equipment condition. The on-site evaluation should fill in all pending items on the product checklist. 


Any type of surgical equipment can be mobile or cumbersome. As such, take time to measure the dimensions of the potential operating room, factoring in space for storing portable equipment when not in use and the cabinets for additional supplies. 

1 comment:

  1. Medical Equipment leasing or rental is realy a good idea. We have all range of best medical equipments with the condition of new. Please contact us for further needs.
